It’s Cow or Never

Episode 8 of Peacemaker begins this finale with Peacemaker and the gang preparing to storm the farm. Leota tries to apologize but her words are interrupted by a bunch of flatulence noises, courtesy of Vigilante and Peacemaker. ..

Eagly tries to fly back over the helmet, but he’s too slow and it falls into the trees. The gang is frustrated and decides to take matters into their own hands. They start shooting at Eagly, but he seems to be immune to the bullets. Suddenly, a loud noise echoes through the woods and Eagly jumps out of the way of a bullet. He’s safe now!

Does Economos manage to keep his cover?

After a long search, the group finds and infiltrates a barn where they find and take clothes from a butterfly. One of the members, Economos, manages to get past the others on lookout duty by disguising himself as one of the butterflies. ..

The mission here is to put the helmet down as low as possible, and that involves Economos behaving normally and not blowing their cover. That’s easier said than done though when John catches a glimpse of the large cow and the amber production. Terrified, he drops the bag and rushes outside. He’s stopped by the Butterfly-controlled Larry though, and forced to open up about why he really dyes his beard. ..

What happens during the fight at the barn?

As the group of economists try to figure out what to do, they are met with a sudden distraction that sees their cover blown. They decide to use the Sonic Boom helmet to create a diversion, but when all the grunts head back into the barn, Leota activates more explosives, which causes the roof to cave in on the cow and send them all tumbling down.

With the forces dwindling, everyone races in to fight. Unfortunately Vigilante is knocked down while Emilia ends up shot and tumbles over, blood oozing from her mouth. Leota eventually jumps in too, racing over to her to stop the Butterfly from infecting her. Leota takes everyone out en-route, shooting them all with one shot each and saving Emilia.

Peacemaker’s helmet is thrown over and it’s all up to her to try and save the day. As Leota heads down into the basement, she uses the human torpedo power… and misses her target (Song) completely, banging into the wall and dropping to the floor in a heap. ..

What is the real mission of the Butterflies?

The Peacemaker is led down a corridor where the Cow is moaning. Two Butterflies – Detective Song and Captain Locke – want to move the Cow out of there. It turns out they’re not doing this for power, they actually took a vow.

The Butterflies traveled across to Earth because their own planet had become unlivable. Earth had the habitat they needed but with no food consumption, they brought the Cow over to help them all survive for the next 100 years.

The Butterflies set out to change the world, even if it meant sacrificing themselves. They wanted to make the choices for humans in order to save humanity, no matter how many lives that cost. Murn disapproved, believing they couldn’t impose their will, which explains why he was killed.

Peacemaker makes his choice and kills the Butterflies, activating the Human Torpedo so Leota smashes into the cow head-first. Tellingly, Peacemaker doesn’t kill the Butterfly that drops out of Song’s mouth.

Does Emilia survive? What choice does Leota make?

The rest of the gang reconvene outside and eventually race to the hospital, intending to save Emilia’s life. Both Economos and Vigilante are taken off for treatment too, leaving Leota to quiz Peacemaker over his choice not to help the Butterflies. The real reason is because he didn’t want his group to hurt anymore. ..

Leota decides to take to the cameras, reporting what she’s found out live across the nation. Specifically, she talks about the diary and how Peacemaker and Vigilante were working for the government under the guise of Project Butterfly, intending to take time off their sentences. Leota even incriminates her own mum, calling Waller out for fronting this and asking for an immediate investigation.

How does Peacemaker Season 1 end?

Meanwhile, Emilia survives and after awakening, holds Peacemaker’s hand, grateful that he’s stood by her side the whole time.

Economos leaves the hospital and heads to Belle Reve Penitentiary, where he meets Peacemaker, a member of the gang who has been feeding a butterfly. Peacemaker is still haunted by the memory of his father. ..

The Episode Review

Peacemaker is a new series on HBO that follows the Butterflies, a team of activists who work to protect the environment. The show has been renewed for a second season and will continue to explore the Butterflies’ mission and their connection to climate change. The show also features an important message about climate change and our planet, which is always nice.

John Cena seems destined to play this role of Peacemaker, although some of the jokes don’t always work that well. The constant fart jokes early on in this episode, for example, bog down the flow of the dialogue.

Amber bows out in the near future, setting up the second season of the show with a neat little bow.