
In episode 2 of Partner Track, Ingrid continues to juggle her family and social life with her career. With Lina staying at her place, Ingrid is conflicted over her blossoming love triangle between Jeff and Nick.

Ingrid is called into work to see Marty. After a pretty funny moment involving his secretary, we get down to brass tacks. Now, it turns out there’s a problem with the Sun Corp deal from last episode. It turns out Lassiter’s main interest in Min Enterprises stems from their crude oil holdings in Louisiana. ..

The Min family own mineral rights to the land in question, but have not been pulling from the wells for the past 90 days. The lease has been terminated, and Ingrid needs to look through the land lease document from the 60’s to try and rectify this.

Finding a needle in a haystack is nearly impossible. Documents can be easily misplaced in an office full of boxes. Worse, the person working with the document also has to be Jeff Murphy. ..

When Jeff rolls his sleeves up and continues to touch Ingrid, she can’t help but flash back to their steamy moments together in the past. Jeff decides to look online and follow the people, rather than the history, and manages to narrow it down, which impresses Ingrid. ..

Ingrid is surprised to see Nick at the office today, since he usually takes a lunch break. Jeff shows up, and things are frosty again. We get back to work.

Ingrid and Jeff find a document that says to revert back to the landowner, but it doesn’t help their situation. ..

Meanwhile, Tyler is working on a big deal with fashion moguls Luxe and pitches his play, especially as he’s learned about what’s happening in the fashion industry right now. He makes the right moves and is even granted an upcoming pitch for Raymond. On Insta, a hashtag #luxesux is trending and Tyler contemplates whether this may be why online retailers are staying away from doing business with them. When Tyler pitches this to Raymond though, he shrugs off the idea of online trolls causing havoc with business. ..

Tyler takes the initiative and goes above Raymond – and gets the attention of Luxe and their CEO Tim. Unfortunately, Raymond is not happy when he finds out, pointing out that they’re not a crisis hotline. Tyler is in the firing line and needs to get this deal done, otherwise he’s going to be in trouble.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Dan team up to tackle a case involving an old lady called Gigi. She’s made it big but there are some issues involving her inheritance for Fun Time Farm, a well-running and highly profitable theme park. Her three kids are pretty eccentric and Gigi doesn’t believe any of them are cut out to take over. In the middle of a heated discussion on the future of the park, Gigi ends up having a stroke and dying. ..

Ingrid has a lightbulb moment that night, courtesy of Justin’s intervention. She realizes that a “shut-in” clause would allow the Mins to hold onto mineral rights even if they’re not producing oil by placing royalties to landowners. ..

Ingrid finds the document in question and manages to get on Marty’s good side. Ingrid is not happy with Jeff’s nonchalance to the whole affair though and calls him out for apologizing twice. ..

Ingrid’s sexual frustration through the day explodes in a flurry of passion when she visits Nick. She immediately starts kissing him over on the sofa.

The Episode Review

The second episode of Partner Track does a decent job fleshing out the supporting characters and actually giving each of the main players something substantial to do. Rachel and Dan appear to be on course for a romance moving forward while the love triangle between Jeff, Ingrid and Nick is ultimately the romantic anchor that keeps everything tied together. There’s also Tyler too, who has a decent amount of screen-time with this drama involving Luxe.

The show is more enjoyable with a split focus on the characters.

Ingrid is a likable character who is easy to empathize with. This makes her a solid and enjoyable watch.