Destroyer of Worlds

Rand continues to call Miltie, but Erica becomes suspicious when the phone bill comes back. When she fails to get a straight answer from Rand, she demands Rand leave by the end of the week. ..

Miltie continues to live it up in Amsterdam, snorting drugs and leaving Rand in deep trouble with the mob. With Butchie unable to find Miltie, he instead turn their attention to Rand and decides to bring him in instead. And it doesn’t take long for them to find him.

Rand reveals that Miltie has left with all the money, leaving Butchie to force Rand into paying up instead. If not, he’s going to be in serious trouble. Butchie breaks the news to him that Amsterdam is not the diamond capital, given we know that it’s actually the drug and hooker capital. Putting two and two together, Rand realizes he’s been swindled. ..

Rand sends a type-written message to Tommy, asking to meet with just half of the $50,000 he wants.

Pam is trying to do her best in public interviews for her new movie, but one of the reporters catches her off-guard and asks about the lawsuit and the sex tape. She’s quick to point out that she and Tommy are victims and not – as this reporter suggests – part of an elaborate PR stunt to rekindle their fame.

Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien discuss the tape that was found on the set of The Tonight Show.

Tommy is angry and frustrated as he listens to Pam’s story. He looks ready to storm off stage, but then he reconsiders and agrees to stay. Pam tells him that this has been a huge hit for them, and that they need to be strong and let her go it alone. Tommy is hesitant at first, but then he realizes how much this means to her.

Tommy shows up at the parking lot where Rand confronts him. He calls him a loser and gives a scathing assessment of the man’s life. Tommy is also quick to point out that Pam doesn’t deserve this. Although he thinks about handing the cash over, instead he burns it and throws it over the fence.

Rand eventually shows up to see Butchie, who hands over a bat and tells Rand that he’s going to work as a loan collector for them now. Rand can’t do it though, struggling to do Butchie’s bidding and eventually heading home empty-handed.

He tells Erica the truth about the tape and she’s absolutely livid. She demands he leave, pointing out the lack of ethics involved in this decision.

With nowhere else to go, he heads over to Albert’s place – the guy who owes money to Butchie – and beats him down. Rand is desperate and demands the guy cough up the money or there will be trouble.

The Penthouse verdict comes in, but unfortunately the judge throws the case out. The judge has ruled in favour of Penthouse given they’ve used their first amendment rights and they can’t counterargue that. ..

Pam is disgusted and distraught, pointing out that the law is against her and her body; essentially, the press are slut shaming her.

Despite Pam’s movie premiere going ahead, whispers from numerous reporters and punters continues to bring the subject back to her sex tape. There’s a rift growing between her and Tommy too, and it’s clear that Pamela is suffering from depression. ..

The pair are weathering a storm and right now it seems unclear whether they’ll make it through to the other side unscathed or not.

The Episode Review

Tommy is still trying to figure out what he wants in life, and Pam is still trying to figure out what she wants in life. They both come back with a new episode of “Pam and Tommy.” In this episode, Pam goes through the struggles of making good on her career promises, while Tommy tries to figure out what he wants in life.

Pamela Anderson is being scrutinized for her past actions, specifically the tape that has circulated of her and Tommy Lee. Penthouse quickly canceled a planned gig by the pair, raising questions about their ethics. However, Anderson has said she won’t watch the show in which she and Lee appear and is not happy about it. ..

Rand has become desperate and is in a lot of trouble. However, the episode also highlights an issue that has plagued Pam and Tommy from the beginning - it’s too long. ..

Despite the 90’s-inspired visuals and style, the story itself could have used some tightening up. ..