Becky’s ordinary, meaningless, miserable existence in Oklahoma revolves around her alcoholic father and abusive and perverted boss, the Mayor of the town. Once she listens to one of Cinda’s podcasts about Elizabeth Davies, she has an idea: to disappear. Becky even googles how to do it before actually doing it. In a flashback, we see her going to Cinda with her own story and asking for a job. Cinda takes both, the story and Poppy, and her podcast becomes a big hit.

Mayor Tipton’s (for whom Becky worked) campaign slogan, “All is OK”, inspired the creation of the podcast, Cinda. Cinda is asking for a simple murder that she can solve and then record.

Mabel and Charles are discussing the possibility of getting Poppy to help them get a confession out of Cinda on their podcast finale. They mention that they have been trying to think of metaphors for how “14 Savage” relates to Cinda, but no one has come up with anything that works. Charles suggests using the phrase “the girl who cried wolf,” but Mabel is not sure if that is a good metaphor.

The trio and Poppy meet at the Pickle Diner. They want to know of ways to get Cinda to confess. Poppy gives some really weird answers like things going in slow-motion and the insides of a tomato. These are some of the things that disturb her and could be useful. She gets a call from Cinda and asks for a liverwurst and marmalade sandwich to go.

The sandwich didn’t taste good to Bunny, as Ivan discloses, and even called it “freak food” before Charles echoes her sentiment. Mabel is called away by a phone call from Detective Williams, who tells her whose fingerprints are on the knife. The trio knows who the killer is!

A Killer Reveal Party is a party where the killer will be revealed at the party and not a reveal party that is killer.

Residents of the small town of Bunny are getting antsy as they wait for justice to be served. A trio of strangers, with a camera and some accessories, show up to create a play. The director, Oliver, directs the play to give dramatic tension to the big reveal. The actors, Lester, Howard, and his new partner, all show enthusiasm to participate in the manipulative scheme designed to get a confession from Cinda. The event is also meant to get justice for Bunny. It’s just beginning to feel like a finale! ..

Oliver starts the live stream and Cinda and Poppy walk in. They have their own equipment and want to record Mabel’s confession. Cinda is seated in a chair while Poppy handles the equipment for her, as she always does. The trio starts narrating the events of how the murder happened. There is no need to repeat that as it is well known. Mabel agrees with me. ..

In dramatic fashion, Charles points the finger at Cinda, shocking her. Lester and Howard join in, as Oliver directed them to do their bits. In the background, we see Alice enter and seat herself on the sofa. Her entrance coincides with Charles saying “we have the murderer here..” So, is Alice the murderer and Cinda involved in the trio’s plan? We will see.

Suddenly, Charles starts moving in slow-motion to freak out Cinda. Oliver soon joins in and it is having the desired effect. The entire group, sans Mabel, joins in the slow-motion freakiness to create a memorable and hilarious incident from the finale. Cinda gets up to leave but not before Charles pulls off another surprise: cutting a tomato in front of her. Midway, as the evidence against Cinda piles up, she pleads her innocence.

A long pause at “because” gives space for Mabel to remark: “Because she didn’t do it”. She then points towards the “real killer” – Alice. “14 Savage” actually means “14 million for the Savage painting”. That is what Bunny was trying to tell Mabel. Alice suddenly came into her life after the murder and wanted to exploit and commercialize her tragedy. Alice wanted to up the price of her art by framing Mabel for Bunny’s murder.

Alice is tied up by the party attendees and Cinda consoles Mabel. She also compliments her for her investigative work on the podcast and suggests she should have her “own podcast”. It is a strange thing to say and it isn’t clear why she says it. Just then, Poppy lashes out at Cinda.

Mrs. Gambolini, a bird kept in a cage by Oliver, is adjacent to the couch on which Poppy is sitting. Poppy starts sneezing and moves closer to the cage; Mrs. Gambolini starts cawing. Poppy brings up her painting idea and Mabel says Poppy was more interested in the story and Bunny’s painting than Cinda. Poppy keeps sneezing, prompting Mabel to say even the killer had allergies. Poppy ridicules them for “believing some young girl” and voila, she is caught. ..

The killer knows that Lucy was with the killer that night in the catacombs of the secret passageway. Cinda calls her Becky and it is revealed Cinda is in on the plan with the trio to catch the real killer – Poppy! Suddenly, Charles wakes up too, confirming the clever ploy. With her guilt out in the open, Poppy takes over the narrative and explains everything. It was she who messaged Mabel and the others that day to get out of the building. But she came back to her apartment to spoil things for her. Williams had called Mabel and said the prints on the knife belonged to a dead girl in some far-off state, to which Mabel replied “Oklahoma” and Williams confirmed it.

“I know who did it” Ending Explained: Who killed Bunny Folger?

Williams walks into the Pickle Diner and arrests Poppy. Kreps is also in the background in cuffs. It is then revealed that Kreps fell in love with Poppy, who was standing beside Cinda in the small clip we see from the bar.

After solving the murder, life begins to settle for the small town of Bunny. Kreps and Poppy plan the murder, insisting that “Bunny deserves to die.” However, Cinda and the trio finish their podcast together with the real story. This leads to a profitable future for them and they can begin a life together post-murder. ..

Charles’ popularity has gone through the roof after the podcast and the network has decided to make him the star of the show – once again. He also asks out – barely – Joy, the makeup woman. Mabel invites Alice to paint over the walls in her apartment and renovate, although she will not get back together with her. Oliver reveals the truth to his son William about his biological lineage and William is okay with it. He feels proud of the attachment he has with Oliver and is the true father he will ever know.

Oliver is called to work on a Broadway act opening in a year’s time. Ben Gilroy (played by Paul Rudd) is the star and we jump one year hence to the premier night.

Oliver calls out Charles for his final positioning. Charles is a bit jittery but swears to “kill” the other actor after the show. It is revealed the other actor is Oliver, who says to Charles, “I know what you did. Stay away from her”. The crowd settles as the curtain is about to go up.

Mabel takes her seat with Lucy, Joy, and Oliver in the front row. Mabel even says “Any year without a murder is a good one”. The curtain rises and Ben begins his monologue. A couple of lines later, he stops. He starts to feel uncomfortable and falls down on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth. Charles confirms he is dead and Mabel says, “you’ve got to be kidding me”!

The Episode Review

The final two episodes of the season 2 of Only Murders in the Building have been very strong. After a few weak episodes in the middle, we ended up with a satisfying ending. The finale left us feeling restless and kept unfolding to reveal a surprising name as the killer. ..

The finale of “Midsomer Murders” was the most unexpected and raised hopes for a third season. Poppy was probably the last person among all of the cast who could have been the murderer. Kudos to Martin and Hoffman for creating an enjoyable season once again with an even better finale. The ending was the most unexpected and has raised hopes for a season three. Will it happen? We will know in due course. Until then, can we not get over this finale, please? ..