Des had ghosted Devi after all. The next day, Devi, Eleanor, and Fabiola are at the cafeteria when Devi wonders why Des didn’t text him back. Eleanor suggests that Devi’s game had gotten rusty after she broke up with Paxton. She suggests Devi kiss someone to get her game back. Aneesa joins the gang asking them what they’re talking about, when Fabiola suddenly mentions the kiss, speaking to her in code.

Devi decides to kiss someone at the coffee house. Eleanor mentions the Drama Club’s Coffeehouse gathering and off the back of this, Devi decides she will kiss someone at the coffee house. Ben hears her declaration.

Paxton is with the school’s Principal, Mr. Grubbs, who is replacing the guidance counselor temporarily. Paxton shows her his list of colleges where he wishes to apply. Mrs. Grubbs says that some of his picks seem unachievable. Paxton wonders what he could do to get in now that his grades are also improving. Mrs. Grubbs suggests that Paxton should start doing something at the school, asking him to attend the Drama Club’s charity coffeehouse that night as a volunteer.

Devi is on her way to the Coffeehouse as Kamala moves out to live alone. She asks her cousin to give her an extra copy of her key so she can have her friends over, but changes the topic noticing Nalini. Devi leaves for the Coffeehouse and Nalini tries to convince Kamala to stay behind and ignore Pati until she agrees to let her date, Manish.

Kamala is adamant and states that she is excited to live on her own. Devi arrives at the coffeehouse with the goal of making out with someone. She asks Eleanor where she can start and Eleanor suggests waiting tables as part of the charity. Devi tries to flirt with the customers when Ben mocks her.

Ben and Devi have a quick banter about both of them not having kissed anyone since their respective breakups with Aneesa and Paxton. They make a bet about who will be the first one to kiss someone.

Paxton joins Fabiola at the coffee booth to help her as a volunteer. Paxton is happy to help, but does not want to take up too much of Fabiola’s time. Aneesa comes in to grab coffee when Paxton notices the awkward interaction she and Fabiola share. ..

After Fabiola leaves, Paxton asks her if she was hooking up with Aneesa. Fabiola tells Paxton that she and Aneesa shared a kiss but explains how neither of them made the first move after. Paxton convinces Fabiola to make the first move herself considering she liked Aneesa. ..

Meanwhile, Devi and Ben are still bickering about who will be the first person to kiss. Devi is sure that she will win this battle, but Ben is still weighing his options. One of the nerdy kids from the Drama Club turns out to be a singer and Devi is sure that she can kiss him now.

Nalini helps Kamala move into her new apartment which seems lifeless and dull. Kamala states that this is the only place she could afford that also came pre-furnished. Suddenly, kids from next door show to visit Kamala. She is excited at first, but when she learns that the residents in the building are all aspiring child actors, Kamala gets worried.

At the coffeehouse, the guy Devi wants to kiss is swarmed by women. She tries to hit on the guy who seems interested. Ben sees Devi flirt with the guitar players and asks the Drama Club member out. Paxton helps Fabiola gain confidence so she is able to ask Aneesa out on a date.

Fabiola wonders how Paxton is so good with women and asks about his relationship with Phoebe. Paxton mentions that he and his girlfriend are not exactly romantic but they mostly hook up. After being with Devi, he wanted a simpler relationship, unlike the complications and confusions she brought with her. Fabiola thanks him for the help and leaves to go see Aneesa. ..

Nalini, a tenant at Kamala’s new apartment complex, is having trouble getting her paperwork in order. She asks the landlord to turn back her deposit and paperwork, as Kamala is not a child or an actor. The landlord refuses and leaves Nalini stranded. ..

At school, Ben is embarrassed after kissing the Drama Club member. He tells Aneesa that he is really sorry for treating her the way he did when they were together. He mentions that Fabiola talked to him about it. Aneesa is touched by the apology and they go back to being friends. Ben asks if she’s seeing anyone, when Aneesa mentions she likes one of her friends. ..

He spots Devi trying to impress the guitar player and tells Aneesa that she should never hook up with a friend. Aneesa gets mad at Ben for bringing it up. Devi kisses the guitar player when Mrs. Grubbs turns the lights back on and she is finally able to see the guitar player clearly. She regrets having kissed him when he asks her to be his girlfriend.

Mrs. Grubbs kicks out all the students that are making out in the hallways. She runs into Paxton and asks him about his community service. Paxton is happy to see Fabiola chat up Aneesa and says he would like to do more community service in the future.

Devi and Paxton catch up after a few weeks of being in touch through social media. Devi is relieved to see Paxton and jokes if he is still a player now that he hangs out with new boys all the time. They have a casual conversation and Devi realizes that she actually needed closure from Paxton in order to move on.

Fabiola is about to ask Aneesa out when Aneesa blatantly asks if they should date. Kamala breaks down in tears and Nalini reassures her that everything is going to be okay.

Fabiola agrees to go out with Eleanor and Devi leaves too. Fabiola tells Eleanor that she has her game back. As Eleanor brings her car out, Devi meets Ben and tells him that she has kissed someone. She appears jealous when Ben tells her that he too has kissed the drama club member. ..

The Episode Review

Devi seems to be on the right track with her relationship with Des this episode. Not seeing him proves that he will typically turn out to be a player like most of the other guys Devi likes. It’s typical of a young girl to actually do all the things Devi is doing in her relationship. She seems to be on the right track when it comes to most things this season. ..

Devi has matured and is learning from her past snobby self in Seasons 1 and 2. She is not overbearing with her mother yet. She also has a promising year with her friends this time around which is great for her.

Kamala seems like she is struggling to adjust to her new living situation. I wonder if she agreed to spend all of her savings in the place before visiting it and asking around about the neighbors first. It seems like they really want to show us how she handles multiple curveballs at the same time.

The episode was about Devi getting ghosted, so of course I wished she would have received a text from Devi. Des needs to explain why he left her hanging for so long but I guess we’ll have to wait for a few more episodes before that happens.