A complete and utter mess of a film

Morbius is a poorly made, poorly edited, poorly plotted mess that will have you cringing, rolling your eyes and pointing out all the films Morbius has shamelessly copied along the way.

The film is poorly written, technical and has a weak plot.

Sony’s latest superhero film, Morbius, features Spider-Man’s nemesis, the vampire Morbius. Venom, Sony’s newest superhero film, is a mess - it has a campy and quirky tone but lacks coherent action. ..

Michael Morbius is a biochemist who suffers from a rare blood disease. His life mission is to curing himself and his best friend Milo from this debilitating condition, eventually settling on splicing his blood with Costa Rican bats to become the Spiderman. Or, well, Spiderman’s version of Spiderman anyway; the villain-turned-antihero Michael Morbius.

The script is hastily cobbled together, with some pretty poor editing across the board. We begin with a brief scene in Costa Rica before whiplashing back 25 years…and then forward to an award ceremony which happens to be in the original timeline. Only, we’re not actually told that. We’re just left to cobble together the loose bits of dialogue in a lab some time later, reflecting on his “trip to Costa Rica” and the “fishtank” of bats he’s gained.

Morbius’ team is attacked by a flock of bats in the opening 5 minutes of the picture, around the time that Morbius has no powers and they’re attacking their ride home. How did Morbius make it back? These niggling issues crop up right the way through the film, from beginning to end, turning into a proverbial stack of cards that tumble over with even the slightly bit of logic applied. ..

The plot of this film is convoluted and full of holes. The focus shifts between Morbius the Living Vampire and two police detectives who investigate him, but their arc ultimately amounts to nothing. By the end of the movie, their work has dead-ended. This makes the film difficult to take seriously. ..

Much has been said about the ending to this film, and I don’t think I’ve ever gone into a movie theatre knowing more about a post-credit sequence than this one. In fact, Sony actively spoiled the film’s big “twist” prior to the film’s release in one of the more bizarre pieces of marketing in recent years. Essentially, this throws big question marks around what happened in No Way Home and crowbars a forced narrative device to justify more films like this one. ..

Michael Morbius’ problems don’t stop there. His movie’s plot is convoluted and nonsensical, and the technical aspects of it are even worse. The film’s overall quality is poor, and I can’t help but think that Morbius may have made a mistake in choosing to make it.

The camera shakes wildly during extreme close-ups, fight sequences are a bizarre medley of slowed-down bullet-time-esque moves and dizzying, confusing, poorly lit skirmishes. This film fails to live up to the high standards set by the Quicksilver and Nightcrawler sequences in the X-Men series. ..

The dialogue in the game is cringe-worthy and full of cheesy one-liners. The post-credit sequence explains why this is. ..

Jared Leto is actually quite good in this role and does the best with the material given. Matt Smith is flamboyantly sinister and really revels in his role as the villain in this ensemble while everyone else is just sort of here for the ride.

Morbius is not a good film. It’s a poorly written mess that falls flat on its face. I wouldn’t even recommend watching this one for a “so bad it’s good” vibe. This is just bad, and as other far more witty critics and publications have pointed out – this flat-out sucks. ..

The Morbius Ending is a story that takes place after the events of Dark Souls. In this ending, the player character, Bloodborne, defeats the dark god Morbius and returns to the world of humans.

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