Little Bird

Jenny returns to Chauncey and vouchs for Damian. She believes he’ll help them if he gets money and a new identity. Damian, under the mind control of Svetlana, invites Jenny around.

The two people in question get along well at first, but things quickly go sour when Jenny is tasered and knocked out.

When Jenny wakes up, Damian immediately starts questioning her. He wants to know who the American is and if not, he’s going to use the ol’ rat in a heated saucepan trick. If she doesn’t speak, this rat will burrow through Jenny’s intestines. In order to save herself, Jenny bites Damian’s ear off and then shoots him. As Damian dies in her arms, the mind control ceases and she has a final moment with her old friend. ..

This episode continues to flashback us back to the Motherland and specifically to the moments just after the failed safe incident. Anya’s next target is Dr Orlov, Faina’s father. She does just that too, which we see play out later on in the episode.

Gideon (Svetlana) is unaware that Damian is dead, which makes it all the sweeter when Jenny turns up to their meeting scheduled where he’s due to deliver a bomb to Gideon. Jenny surprises Gideon by turning up at their meeting, and they share a tender moment before he delivers the bomb. ..

At this meeting, where Chauncey feeds Jenny lines, our “master assassin known as The Whisper” accidentally blurts out details about Becca. He claims he’s “taken care” of her and she won’t be a problem. It’s risky, and incredibly foolhardy but the others buy her excuses and move on.

Jenny learns that the target intended for the bomb is the Prime Minister, who will be intending a reception the following night. With the group posing as security intel, they’re going all out to make sure he’s killed. ..

Jenny’s powers start running out of juice again and she’s forced to excuse herself to the bathroom. Unable to turn back into Damian (she transforms in private, so at least she’s not a complete liability) and with Gideon inbound, Jenny is forced to abandon ship before finding out that she’s Svetlana.

Jenny manages to return to Chauncey before it’s too late. There, he checks her over and realizes that there is nothing physically wrong with her. Mentally though, this woman is a mess. She believes that Becca is the hindrance, and given she mentioned her name and almost blew the whole operation, that much seems likely. ..

Jenny contemplates their next move and she believes it may be time to send Becca away. Even though they’re actually in Madrid because of her ice skating in the first place. Anyway, I digress.

Chris and Chauncey are discussing how to handle the situation with Becca when they hear Carmo coming. Carmo tells them that he has something to tell them, but they don’t believe him. They continue to argue until Chris finally breaks up with Becca.

A big fight then ensues between Chauncey and Carmo, with the former badly beaten. With Carmo straddling him and punching the man repeatedly, Chris and Jenny show up just in time to stop it. ..

Jenny chases Carmo down an alley and eventually catches up to him. She demands to know who he’s working for, screaming at him to reveal all but he just continues to chuckle instead. ..

With a bloodstained face, Carmo calls Anya “Ptchka”, which of course means “my little bird.” With this revelation, Jenny immediately realizes that Svetlana is the ringleader behind all of this.

Jenny rushes to the ice rink, but her daughter is already gone. Where? Well, a motorcyclist picked her up and took her back to the hotel room. Unfortunately she’s not there either when Jenny arrives. As communications die, Jenny is left in the dark over where her daughter may be. But time is running out.

The Episode Review

Although parts of this episode are an improvement over what we’ve seen, the whole meeting involving Damian is just a mess. ..

This woman is supposed to be an espionage specialist and yet during a massive operation like this she casually blurts out Becca’s name and goes off script. Even though she’s been trained since she was little and she even had Chauncey holding her hand and feeding her lines. These little moments really detract from the show, which feels amateurish at times with the way it depicts this spy action.

With Jenny now aware that Svetlana is Gideon, the final two episodes look set to pick up in a big way and really lean into a lot more drama. Let’s hope this one delivers an action packed conclusion! ..