Mi-Ran and Eun-Hui 2

In the 13th episode of Our Blues, Eun-Hui brings a very drunk Mi-Ran back home. Mi-Ran’s laughter soon turns to sobs, as Mi-Ran is laid down on the bed. Eun-Hui hums a lullaby to her until she falls asleep. Yeong-Ok is there too but she’s not exactly pleased about Eun-Hui bending over backwards for her. After how Mi-Ran disrespected her last episode, she calls out Eun-Hui for acting like her maid. ..

Eun-Hui is a manipulative and deceitful woman who justifies her treatment by claiming she owes her “friend” something for what happened in the past. She is a complete pushover who does not deserve to be treated this way.

Meanwhile, there’s drama between Hyeon and Yeong-Ju when they make noodles in the middle of the night. Ho-Sik laughs incredulously at their attempts to shrug off the noise (at 3am no less!) as the baby’s cravings. Ho-Sik eventually shuffles downstairs and stays at In-Gwon’s instead.

Mi- Ran wakes up early on a Saturday morning and reflects on the drama happening with her daughter Ji-Yun. Ji-Yun has decided to go on a trip with her boyfriend, Mi-Ran’s ex husband and his new girlfriend Sophie. Mi- Ran is not happy and rings her, getting through to voicemail. She tells her not to go, wanting to be the one to take Ji-Yun on holiday. ..

Mi-Ran is up early to eat breakfast with her mother. Eun-Hui stays there all morning, cleaning the house and changing the curtains. Mi-Ran comes across all the diaries Eun-Hui has left and decides to read them. She claims they have no secrets from one another as a reason for being nosy.

After starting with those from school, Mi-Ran works her way up to more recent entries. Mi-Ran claims that Eun-Hui is a hard worker and a good friend but as she passes through the entries, she reaches the one from yesterday. More specifically, Eun-Hui questioning whether they’re really friends or not.

Mi-Ran continues on, eventually reaching the point where Eun-Hui calls her a two-faced brat and selfish, which cuts her deeply. Ironically, Eun-Hui returns just at that moment and sees how well she’s cleaned up the house. Eun-Hui is elated, but for Mi-Ran she smiles thinly through her pain.

The old ladies in Yeong-Ok’s drama continue to shun her, but Hye-Ja is there waiting. She’s been told everything from her best friend, Hyeon Chun-Hui. Anyway, she now understands why Yeong-Ok is risking her life to make as much money as possible.

After handing over a drink, Hye-Ja decides that they’re going to be partners and go diving together. She’s going to be the boss too and tells Yeong-Ok not to play up and get greedy. This could well be the point for Yeong-Ok reconciling with the old ladies and gaining their trust.

Mi-Ran and Eun-Hui return to the scene of the altercation between them. Mi-Ran tries to get some truth from her, but Eun-Hui doesn’t break her facade. However, she does give Eun-Hui her necklace in order to smooth over their issues.

The karaoke night at the couple’s house brings back old memories from when they were in school. Mi-Ran completely belittles Myeong-Bo to his wife, telling In-Jeong that she would never reduce herself to flirt with someone as lowly as him.

Mi-Ran is stuck up and Eun-Hui realizes this for herself. Eun-Hui tries to brush it off but it’s hard not to agree when Mi-Ran takes the limelight during karaoke for herself.

Mi-Ran tells Myeong-Bo that he should break up with In-Jeong because she’s been abusive to him. He shows her the bruises and cuts he’s suffered from In-Jeong, including scratches across his back and horrible bruises and cuts all over him. Mi-Ran then has a change of heart and tells Myeong-Bo to stay married to In-Jeong. ..

In-Jeong sees Mi-Ran and Myeong-Bo together and becomes suspicious. She hugs him, but a big fight breaks out. Eun-Hui jumps in, but Mi-Ran slaps her in the face and knocks In-Jeong down. ..

Mi-Ran walks away from the party without apologizing and is picked up by Ho-Sik, who tells her exactly what he thinks of her. He’s hated her since school and doesn’t hold back on telling her exactly how he feels. When Mi-Ran is dropped off back home, she mutters “shallow brat” to herself but it’s unclear whether she’s talking about herself or Eun-Hui. Either way, when Eun-Hui returns home, drama ensues between the pair.

“Are you addicted to money?” Mi-Ran asks, pointing out how well off she is and how Eun-Hui could just stop and not make money anymore. Eun-Hui bites back though, asking if Mi-Ran is addicted to alcohol. Eventually Mi-Ran plays a recording of In-Jeong mentioning that Eun-Hui believes she’s addicted to men.

Mi-Ran explains the situation, including Myeong-Bo’s abuse and the scars over his body. Eun-Hui though isn’t so sure and claims the pair have a happy marriage. Eventually Mi-Ran repeats exactly what’s written in Eun-Hui’s diary, calling Eun-Hui out and demanding to know her true feelings. Mi Ran tells of her husband’s abuse and the physical scars that cover his body. Eun Hui insists that they are still happy together, but Mi Ran insists on reading from Eun Hui’s diary to find out if this is truly the case. ..

Eun-Hui is angry at her friend Mi-Ran for bringing up the scenario from Bridget Jones’ Diary as a juxtaposition to their current situation. Mi-Ran argues that it is a more accurate analogy because their current situation is much different than when they were in Bridget Jones’ Diary.

Eun-Hui eventually admits that the list of Mi-Ran’s faults are too long. “It’s in the past, let’s not dredge it up now.” She pleads with her friend. ..

Mi- Ran goads her though, pointing out that Eun-Hui lied and pretended to like her for all those years when really, she never felt that they were friends. Mi-Ran eventually packs up her things and leaves, believing what they had was a long, empty, meaningless relationship. As Mi-Ran leaves Jeju, the state of their relationship is left unknown for now. ..

The Episode Review

Eun-Hui and Mi-Ran’s estranged relationship comes to a head here, with the pair hashing out their problems in a pretty destructive way, even if it’s been done indirectly through Mi-Ran reading Eun-Hui’s diary. However, both characters are in the wrong here and they’re arguably the most unlikable in the show.

Eun-Hui seems to be very passive-aggressive and bitter towards Mi-Ran. She’s also very nosy in other people’s business, which makes it ironically amusing that she would lash out at Mi-Ran for being nosy herself.

Mi- Ran is a very unappealing character. She’s stuck up, arrogant, and believes that the world owes her a massive favor. All of this adds up to a story between two women who need to communicate better, and which makes for a very frustrating watch. ..

The attention is shifting back to Captain Jun and Yeong-Ok next though, rounding out this storyline – at least for now. I’m sure it’ll circle back around again but despite this series winning the weekend ratings war, some of these chapters haven’t worked as well as others and the momentum in this show swings like a mismatched pendulum.