Ha-ri and Tae-moo continue to argue about the kiss they shared after work. Ha-ri insists that it was a mistake, and Tae-moo says it wasn’t fair for her to kiss him; now she owes him. They agree that she will buy him dinner as a way of apologizing. ..

Ha-ri is a young man who is dating a woman he met online. He has been dating her for about six months and they have been going out to dinner every week. Recently, the woman’s family decided to have a dinner party and invited Ha-ri and the woman as well. The cost of the dinner was $100, so Ha-ri was worried that he wouldn’t be able to afford it. However, at the end of the meal, he ended up paying for everything himself. The woman then asked him what he wanted from her and he said that he wanted more than just dinner dates. ..

Young-seo surprises Seong-hoon with a homemade dinner. She asks for honest feedback, so he gives it, even though it means insulting her cooking.

Young-seo is surprised when Seong-hoon takes her hiking, which she’s not so enthusiastic about. She’s already angry about the dinner.

Young-seo complains about Tae-moo on their hike, but Seong-hoon defends him. They get into a fight, and she walks back to the car.

She causes both of them to get lost and even trips, spraining her ankle. When Seong-hoon carries her back to the car without complaint, she forgives him, and they reconcile.

Ha-ri and Tae-moo spend the day together at the fair, having a great time. They go on bumper cars, ride on a carousel, and buy some fun gifts.

When they get corn dogs, Tae-moo reminisces about his parents. He thanks Ha-ri for letting him talk about them so freely.

Ha-ri’s parents then call her to the hospital. Her dad has appendicitis, and there is no private room for him. So, Tae-moo has him moved to a VIP room.

Ha-ri tells a story that she believes to be true. She says that she is on the development team for the company and that her mother has mentioned how Ha-ri has been complaining about the president of the company. Tae-moo becomes indignant, believing that Ha-ri is lying.

Ha-ri’s brother Ha-min directs Min-woo to bandages in Ha-ri’s room. There, Min-woo finds a fake dating contract.

That night, Tae-moo overhears Ha-ri tell someone that he has changed his mind. Now that he knows she bad-mouthed him, he wants her to pay him back with a kiss. ..

Min-woo then rushes forward and punches him in the face. Ha-ri steps between them. When she sees the police nearby, she tells Tae-moo to go home and goes with Min-woo.

Min-woo shows Ha-ri the contract he found. He’s upset that Ha-ri didn’t tell him about it. Ha-ri says it wasn’t anyone’s business and that he needs to give Tae-moo a formal apology. ..

He asks if she actually likes him, maintaining that it won’t work out between the two of them. She leaves, angry.

Ha-ri texts Tae-moo, thanking him for the day they spent together. She promises to pay him back for the hospital bill when she has the money. When he doesn’t respond, she becomes anxious.

At the office, Tae-moo catches Seong-hoon kissing Young-seo. He’s upset that Seong-hoon didn’t tell him about their relationship, but he leaves it at that.

Chairman Kang is waiting for Tae-moo in his office. He tells him that he has scheduled for him a date with Jo Yu-jeong, Young-seo’s cousin. She is also the daughter of the powerful Director Jin Chae-rim from the Marine Art Museum.

Ha-ri sprains her wrist when playing dodgeball during a sports competition between the Food Development Teams. A one-on-one dinner with the president is announced as the prize for the MVP of the competition.

Despite her injury, Ha-ri insists she is fine to keep playing. She wins for her team and wins the dinner with Tae-moo. At dinner with her team, she learns that Tae-moo can’t make it because of a blind date.

She regrets pushing Tae-moo away, so she calls him to tell him to stop his blind date. She says she wants to stop thinking about other people and just think about the two of them.

He says he never thought about going on that date because he was too busy with work. As they drive to meet each other, both get stuck in traffic. They get out of their cars and meet on a bridge, where they kiss.

The Episode Review

The tension between Ha-ri and Tae-moo is palpable this episode. They have a few real moments of connection, but their inner conflict about their situation is all the more believable.

This episode highlights the importance of Ha-ri’s commitment to ignoring others’ opinions, as it shows that they may finally be able to build a genuine relationship.

The happy couple still has to worry about everyone they’ve lied to and about what Yu-jeong will do because Tae-moo stood her up.