Thanks to Kat’s efforts, Wendell and Wild are raised from the underworld. But a snag in their path leads them to come out at the wrong gravesite. They end up using their father’s hair rejuvenating cream to revive the school’s headmaster, Father Best, instead. He introduces them to Lane and Irmgard Klaxon of Klax Korp. They strike a deal in which Wendell and Wild will raise the deceased members of the town council so that they can vote in favour of Klax Korp’s private prison. In exchange, the Klaxons will give them enough money to build their Dream Faire, a theme park for the afterlife.

Kat wants her parents back, the demons want their theme park, and the Klaxons want a profitable private prison. In this competitive world, who gets what they want is always a question. Who can make the most money? Who can get what they want? And who can control what others do? In this competitive world, Kat’s desires are the ones that get fulfilled.

Does Kat manage to bring her parents back from the dead?

Kat confronts Wendell and Wild about her parents but the Klaxons made them promise they won’t raise anyone else from the dead. So, the demons stall Kat by making her swear allegiance to them and instructing her to get them take-out. Meanwhile, they make Raúl help them dig up the old council members.

Kat’s parents tell her that Raúl saved them and she should go help him.

Does Kat overcome her personal demon?

Kat saves Raúl from Wendell and Wild, but her hand keeps glowing green, as it has been since she swore allegiance to her demons. She keeps losing control of it too. Sister Helley finds her in time and admits to being a hell-maiden herself. She takes her to Manberg, the school janitor who has a flair for capturing demons in jars. ..

Kat, the hell maidens, and Sister Helley enter the redemption chamber. Kat looks at all her past traumas and bad memories. She comes to terms with them and faces off with her ultimate demon. Kat knocks it down and then pulls it into a hug - forgiving herself for what happened with her parents. She also realises she has the gift to see the future. ..

Does Kat find out about Wendell and Wild’s schemes?

The demon pair try to kidnap Kat’s parents but fail. Kat arrives with Sister Helley and Raúl, and the demons and Father Best are forced to admit they made a deal with the Klaxons. At that moment, Siobhan reaches the party and informs them that her parents aren’t going to sponsor the school or the fair. They realise the Klaxons gave them fake money. Siobhan shows them the bulldozers and Kat has a vision of them destroying the town in the future. ..

Does Buffalo Belzer find out what his sons have done?

Buffalo Belzer, the owner of the Scream Faire, came to the land of the living unintentionally destroying it. He grabbed Wendell and Wild but then saw Raúl’s mural of a parent protecting their child from monsters. This made Buffalo Belzer open up about how he just wanted to protect his sons like so many other children came to the land of the living and never returned. ..

Belzer agrees to let the others go in exchange for Manberg returning all the demons he captured. Manberg agrees to return all the demons in exchange for Belzer letting the others go.

How did Kat and the others stop Klax Corp?

Meanwhile, the problem with Klax Corp remains. So Raúl heads off with the remaining cream to revive witnesses from Rust Bank’s fire. As the Klaxons begin demolishing the town, Kat and the others get in the way and manage to stop all the bulldozers. Raúl’s mother then returns with witnesses from the Rust Bank fire who prove that the Klaxons were responsible. The couple are arrested, leading to the end of Klax Korp.

How does Wendell and Wild end?

After the bad guys are taken away, Kat embraces her parents. They ask Kat to tell them about Rust Bank’s future. She tells them to hold tight and shows them how the town comes back to life. People return to Rust Bank and Kat helps Sister Helley continue the reintegration program for kids from prison. After telling Kat how proud they are of her and how much they love her, Wilma and Delroy pass away. ..

Wendell and Wild then show Kat the plan for their Dream Faire - a lively and beautiful place, assuring Kat that her parents will be fine. The film closes with Kat musing about how she thought she would hate herself forever but now she doesn’t have to as she is surrounded by amazing friends, including Wendell and Wild. ..

Wendell and Wild is a movie that is sure to leave an impression on viewers. The film is set in the wilds of North Dakota and tells the story of two men who are determined to make a difference. Wendell, a truck driver, and his friend, Wild, a hunter, team up to help out a local community. Their goal is to help the people of the town get back on their feet and make some changes for the better. The film has an interesting story line that will keep viewers engaged from beginning to end. The acting was excellent and the plot was well-conceived. The only downside to Wendell and Wild is that it can be difficult to follow at times. However, if you are looking for an exciting movie with a great story line, then this one is definitely worth watching.

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