Track List

The birth of a baby is often hailed as a miracle. But for some mothers, the experience can be traumatic. A recent study found that one in six mothers experiences post-birth depression. And for others, the experience of childbirth can be downright scary. According to the study, there are warning signs that a mother may be experiencing post-birth depression or anxiety. These signs include: feeling overwhelmed or stressed after giving birth; experiencing mood swings or feeling irritable; having trouble sleeping or concentrating; feeling like you’re constantly on edge; and having thoughts about suicide or death. If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone you know after giving birth, it’s important to get help. There are many resources available, including hotlines and counseling services. ..

The three members of Valleyheart are lyrical masters. Their album, Heal My Head, is a record conveying sorrowful moments; times when despair outweighs natural happiness. Valleyheart does well at describing their feelings, while putting resonating words on a page. Their words have become their trademark and their poetry has that distinctive, often melancholic vibe.

The guitar parts provide a different layer of excitement, adding to the overall feel of the song. Valleyheart play with a sense of urgency, and like they need to reach their goals as quickly as possible to feel validated.

The music here is a sign of hope in the midst of a bleak world. The band’s hearts and minds are in sync as they play, and the world seems to be crumbling around them. ..

The album starts with the soft inclusion ‘Birth’, which is full of emotion. The lyrical talent oozes here, breaking ground and showcasing unparalleled intelligence. The acoustic sound gracefully increases that musical dreaminess.

The narrator is a young woman who has just moved to the city and is quickly adjusting to her new surroundings. She’s excited to start her new job, but she soon realizes that she’s not the only one who has found the city exciting. Others are starting to see the beauty of the city and its potential. One night, a group of people come into the narrator’s apartment and tell her a story about a miracle that has happened in the city. They say that they’ve seen energy fields that are so bright, they can’t look away. The energy field seems to be coming from somewhere close by, and it’s causing all sorts of strange things to happen in the city. The narrator is intrigued by this story, and she decides to go find out more about it. She goes out into the city and starts seeing more and more strange things happening. Soon, she realizes that there is something else going on with this energy field - it’s creating powerful monsters! The narrator must fight against these monsters in order to protect her friends and herself. She does whatever she can to survive, but eventually she must face down her fears in order to save everyone in the city… or else it will be destroyed forever!

The song is well executed and has a melancholic feel. It is driven by acoustic guitars and the lyrics are written in a journal-like style.

Warning Signs opens with a loud sound, and the guitars here do not strain. There is a sense of optimism here, though the melancholy still rages on. ..

Valleyheart has consistently released music that is both lyrically brilliant and of high quality. ..

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