Ozone Warning

Ha-Kyung counters that Si-Woo is too busy to live alone and they can work out the details later. Si-Woo is hesitant, but Ha-Kyung persistent so he eventually agrees.

Some of his concerns stem from his nasty breakup with Yu-Jin, who brought up how they’re living together as a reason for their arguing and eventual break-up. So for now, they’re not going to move in together. ..

Yu-Jin interviews Ki-Jun about his feelings for her and, specifically, how he thought it would be different with her. She doesn’t want to work until she dies and admits that Ki-Jun isn’t the shining knight she expected. She was hoping for a fairytale romance and that obviously hasn’t materialized.

Ki-Jun is confused but manages to receive some solid advice from Myung-Joo, who discusses how making this marriage real is like the game ending for Yu-Jin. Ki-Jun rings Yu-Jin while she’s at work just to hear her voice. What should be a really touching moment ends up feeling awkward for the pair.

Yu-Jin, the young woman working at her boss’s company, is always trying to find ways to improve her career. One suggestion from her boss is to write an article for her company’s website. Yu-Jin is hesitant at first, but decides to go through with it. She finds that writing the article helps her improve her skills and makes her more popular with the people she works with.

Si-Woo wakes up in his car and ends up taking a shower at work. Funnily enough, Um happens to be there too, leading to a hilariously awkward moment as Si-Woo follows Um into the dorms and – with a bunk bed present – believes this could be the place he’s looking for. Um is not impressed. ..

This episode of the weather drama revolves around an ozone warning, which is issued by the KMA. However, this is not the only source of information about hot weather. The public continues to ring and complain even though they are not getting accurate information from any sources. ..

Soo-Jin is on the frontlines here, manning the phones and trying to stave off the onslaught of angry people. The Director takes Um aside to talk and asks about his living condition. Um uses the pretense of the extreme weather period as an excuse but interestingly, he and Si-Woo are both in the same boat, needing a place to stay. Director: Soo-jin, can you take a break for a bit? I need to talk to Um about something. Um: Of course! I’m just so tired from all this work. Director: Okay, we’ll talk in a bit. Si-woo, can you help Soo-jin out for a little while? He needs a break. Si-woo: Sure thing! I’ll be happy to help him out. ..

A warning is issued to the Forecast Bureau after a call goes wrong. Ki-Jun shows up but Myung-Joo takes the blame. Su-Jin refuses to stand by and listen to this though and begins sobbing, pointing out she started this and it was her call.

Ha-Kyung appears and gently encourages her to look at complaints as a good thing. They’re there to serve the people and it helps to keep them in check. Ha-Kyung handles the situation beautifully and it’s something that echoes how Um encouraged Ha-Kyung in this exact same situation years earlier. He smiles, pointing out just how far she’s come.

After work, Ha-Kyung heads out to dinner with Si-Woo. Si-Woo shows Ha-Kyung his phone, which has a conversation with the realtor on it. Si-Woo is struggling to find a room to rent, but this only confuses Ha-Kyung further. After all, why would he go looking for a place to stay when he has Ha-Kyung? ..

Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung are discussing their living conditions, and Ha-Kyung admits that it’s okay for him to show how he really feels. Si-Woo is happy to hear this, and they both agree that it’s important for them to be honest with each other.

Si-Woo is happy he can be himself, and ends up staying in the dorm room with Um. Only, he happens to be a notorious snorer and keeps Si-Woo up all night.

Ha-Kyung’s sister is causing a lot of drama with Shin Seok-Ho. This has been going on for a few episodes now, as Seok-Ho leaves his dishes in her apartment which makes the place smell bad. ..

The author of the book picks it up and begins reading it, chuckling from time to time. However, the reason for this is not good. The author has done very little research and the crocodile’s features are completely wrong.

Ha-Kyung is surprised when Ki-Jun approaches her at work the next day and asks for her help with his article. He hasn’t told Yu-Jin about this and hilariously claims they’re friends. “Friends?!” Ha-Kyung says incredulously, and walks away. In fact, she decides to tell Yu-Jin as well.

Um and Si-Woo are using the night-shift dorm room on the team.

Um speaks for Si-Woo and reveals he has been kicked out of the training center. So instead, the pair end up sleeping in their cars in the parking lot. ..

Ha-Kyung and her friends Ha-Won and Ha-Joon are settling in for the night when they spot them both. They invite them to stay at their house, but on condition of them paying a third of the maintenance fees each.

While Si-Woo heads out to get some beer and dried squid, Ki-Jun comes stumbling in to try and talk to her. And so does Seok-Ho too. When Si-Woo returns home, hilariousness ensues as the entire team happen to be at Ha-Kyung’s apartment.

The Episode Review

This episode is all about Si-Woo and Um, two people who are in the same boat and are struggling to find a place to stay. Si-Woo is trying to find a job and Um is trying to find a place to stay. In the end, they both decide to stay at Um’s house.

Ha-Kyung is a young woman who has been living in Seoul for a year and a half. She is very friendly and outgoing, but she also has a lot of secrets. One of her secrets is that she is Korean and her family is from South Korea.

This is a great way to keep the characters together while also keeping things lighthearted despite the drama.

The drama’s biggest strength comes from the contrast between the more serious relationships on the show and Ha-Kyung’s more positive journey. Ki-Jun and Yu-Jin are also dealing with some challenges, while Si-Woo is facing a new obstacle in his life. ..

Love and weather have always been a big part of my life, and I’ve been forecasting their future for years. In this series, I’m going to continue doing so, as well as giving my thoughts on the current state of the relationship.