Variation Area

In episode 12 of Forecasting love and Weather, we follow Si-Woo as he boards a plane to the Typhoon Centre. He reflects on Ha-Kyung’s words on how relationships change over time. It’s all up to Si-Woo over whether they’ll be together and he worries about what the future may hold.

Ki-Jun stays by Ha-Kyung’s side as she struggles to understand what’s happening to Si-Woo. However, there are big problems simmering in the Situation Room.

Not only is Typhoon brewing, Si-Woo’s dad shows up and blames the company for sending his son out in the middle of this.

Ki-Jun’s father has appeared in the middle of a restricted area and it eventually turns to Si-Woo to stand up to him, pointing out how important this place is and how the man is currently obstructing their duties.

Si-Woo’s father blurts out in front of the whole team that he and Si-Woo are close, including their relationship which they have been keeping a secret for so long. Ha-Kyung is silent, clenching her fist as the rest of the workers aren’t quite sure how to process this news. ..

The two Typhoons are moving northwest and it’s imminently due to hit the mainland.

We waited in the waiting room for 16 hours before Bo-Mi was taken home in a taxi.

Um is rejected again, as Bo-Mi is caught in the middle of their parents’ squabbles. Hyang-Rae points out Um has never been there for them, and that this is a rare occurrence – despite him doing his best right now to try and mend the bridges he burned long ago.

Hyang-Rae clearly doesn’t think that people can change. That much is apparently by her divorce papers on the table, which Bo-Mi ends up seeing when the pair head home later that day. She immediately worries that her family is falling apart. ..

Meanwhile, Si-Woo arrives at the Typhoon Center and discusses his knowledge of past weather phenomena. ..

The senior in charge here, Mi-Jin, tells us that the typhoons are coming in and they need to be prepared. Si-Woo is the one who will be broadcasting the meeting so we need to be sure that everything is ready.

The problem with a flashback like this, is that it feels like the author is trying to artificially create tension where there isn’t any. We already know what happens, so all this “tension” about the typhoon falls flat. ..

Ki-Jun is feeling down after his relationship with Yu-Jin ended. He goes to see her family while she stays in Seoul to work. ..

Yu-Jin runs into her family on Jeju Island while Si-Woo is working with the team observing the incoming Typhoon. ..

Yu-Jin’s mother tells her daughter that Ki-Jun is a good person. Apart from having a full-blown affair on his wife.

Ha-Kyung and Ki-Jun are sitting at dinner together, and they seem to be really friendly with each other. They’re complimenting each other a lot, and it seems like they’re really enjoying themselves.

I was recently in Ha-Kyung’s position when I walked in on them having sex with someone else. The whole thing reeks of awkward writing.

Ki-Jun laves a message for Yu-Jin, but when she looks closer, she can see that her brother Si-Woo is busy with his weather balloon. Suddenly, the balloon explodes and knocks Ki-Jun down.

We return to the present day and confirm to Si-Woo’s father that his son is okay and not in a critical condition anymore.

The man’s not happy though, prompting Ha-Kyung to decide they should head out to Jeju Island together and go to check on him. Si-Woo’s dad boards the plane but he’s conked out and fast asleep, while Ki-Jun joins Ha-Kyung who are both worried and very much awake.

In the absence of her husband, Hyang-Rae meets up with him and hands over the divorce papers. She admits she’s been thinking of this for a long time and doesn’t buy his “excuses” about working and what he’s been doing.

Um admits that he’s been distracted, but then the misunderstanding trope hits. Hyang-Raw believes her husband has been cheating on her with Ha-Kyung, given she’s seen him heading over to her place. He tries to explain his position, but she’s not buying it.

Meanwhile, Si-Woo is joined by his father and Ha-Kyung. Si-Woo promises to make it up to Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung points out he wants to be compensated for what’s happened. ..

Ha-Kyung’s father is a terrible person, and Si-Woo rejects him. He’s bandaged up and has to live with the consequences.

The gambler in the corridor continues his tirade, pointing out that he wants to be compensated at least 30 million won.

Eventually, Si-Woo leaves his room, grabbing his dad and calling him out for being awful and an embarrassment. Unfortunately, he hits Si-Woo right in the eye – the bad eye – and demands the money from Ki-Jun, who has obviously shown up to support Ha-Kyung. When Yu-Jin figures out why he’s there, she turns and walks away.

Si-Woo also decides to walk away too, apologizing to Ha-Kyung and believing they should break up. As Si-Woo turns and walks away, rain lashes down. ..

The Episode Review

The problem with flashback episodes is that they feel like a waste of time because we already know what’s going to happen.

The whole typhoon drama is a waste. We already know the typhoon is going to hit, and we were literally told that last episode but yet here we jump back 16 hours and actually experience it again. It just feels like a waste. ..

The other issue is that Ha-Kyung and Ki-Jun are now very chummy. He had an affair on her and shattered her heart, and while I understand they could act civilly at work, I can’t see them sitting down to eat lunch together, acting like they’re friends again. Maybe it’s just me, but the angle the writers are going for here doesn’t quite work. ..

That’s to say nothing of the misunderstanding tropes and the anticlimactic explosion that Si-Woo suffered from. So he literally just had a bit of a balloon mishap because he wasn’t paying attention. ..

The show is still interesting, but the way this series ties in emotions to the weather is cleverly written and nicely handled. However, the character and plot aren’t quite as well written.

The finale of this season has left many fans of the show anxious. Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung have been together for a while now, but their relationship has been on shaky ground. It seems likely that they will get back together, but this was definitely one of the worst episodes this season.