This slow-burn Indie Horror packs a lackadaisical punch

Despite its edgy plot and eerie tone, “Father of Flies” does not capitalize on its potential. In its fleeting moments of truth, the film does not shine bright as it would have for better execution. ..

The indie horror film “Mother” is about a dysfunctional family who is still recovering from the suicide of their mother. The dad has a new girlfriend but cannot win over the children. She refuses to be a mother to them, spending most of her time watching television with her cosmetic mask on. But Michael, the youngest, establishes a connection with his mother, and the signs of something menacing start showing. ..

Father of Flies is a unique experience that tries to put most things in their place, but takes the excuse of fictional convenience to get out of testing situations. Some moments of brilliance and of pure fright manifest every now and then – like when Richard has a dream about something in Michael’s room.

The film is a mess. It’s uninspired,Generic horror setup that can’t stand out from the rest. Director Ben Edwards doesn’t seem to be in control of the direction his narration takes. The lack of story, in fact, hurts his ambitions deeply.

The film “The Witch” is a horror film that does not have a traditional plot. The events in the present are connected to the haunting secrets of the past, but these sequences are more disconnected than the family members. ..

The house’s surroundings are a major factor in the dreading feeling of something bad about to happen. The few winter trees and bleak snow add to the feeling of being in danger. Most of its characters fit into this oddball scheme, with ‘Father of Flies’ taking a long time to get to its core mystery. This leaves the viewer alone with its atmospheric cinematic universe, which is one of the most unique and atmospheric pieces I’ve ever seen.

The minimalist setting allows director Ben Edwards to create tension in a packed environment. He initially is willing, chopping back and forth relentlessly to superimpose the moving parts of the story. But the lack of cut-throat editing dampens the mood a bit. With restricted settings comes the feeling of suffocation and claustrophobia, which is glaringly missing in the final product. ..

There is no denying that ‘Father of Flies’ performs to the expectations of a film of its level. Edwards must be lauded for his brave effort. But his intentions aside, the actual experience is faintly disappointing. The many moving parts of his storytelling are too disjointed to make sense and make for a compelling watch. Their scattered presence is not strong enough to pull your attention. Although, for a horror purist, it might have some decent material. Some more information and background could have done wonders for Edwards and ‘Father of Flies’.

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