Will They / Won’t They?

The season finale of “Family Secrets” begins with Kaśka being treated in the ambulance, and Alicja is keeping her company. Kaśka is feeling sad, she had hoped that Pawel would show up and rescue her. ..

Kaśka is still messaging Pawel even though he is not responding. Janeczek found out about the messages and he is angry. In retaliation, he decides to hook up with Anka.

Kaśka’s dad and Pawel’s relationship has been a mystery to her for years. Pawel told her that it was over when he turned down her marriage proposal, but Kaśka can’t seem to believe it. She’s heard stories about how Pawel is always manipulating his dad, and she doesn’t believe them. She wants to know where Pawel is, and she won’t let him keep hiding.

Janeczek’s mother reveals to him that she didn’t kill Pawel and leaves the wedding. Kaśka confides in her grandmother, revealing that Pawel is the father of her child. Her grandmother advises her to stop waiting for Pawel and to move on with her life. After the talk, Kaśka tells Janeczek that she doesn’t love him. He says that he still loves her and confesses to knowing what happened with Pawel. ..

Pawel’s accident happened seven months before his wedding. After leaving Robert’s house, he went home but refused to tell his dad what happened. He then went to meet the school’s director who advised him to change schools. The director was aware that Dorota is obsessed with Pawel, telling Pawel it would be pointless to fight because the Jaworiwicz family is powerful. ..

As it turns out, Malgosia is also secretly looking for Pawel and manages to find him three months before the wedding. She goes to meet him and tries to convince him to come back. It was all part of her plan to break up Janeczek and Kaśka. ..

Pawel comes back to Warsaw and meets with Janeczek and informs him he plans to tell Kaśka the truth. They get into a fight and Janeczek tells Pawel about Kaśka’s pregnancy.

At the wedding, after learning that Pawel is the father of the unborn baby, Malgosia tells Kaśka about her meeting with Pawel and apologizes. In the meantime, Janeczek calls Pawel and asks him to come to the wedding. Janeczek tells him that Kaśka needs him and he should be there for her.

Pawel is conflicted about whether he should go to the wedding. His father and grandmother told him he should go, and he finally leaves for the church. ..

Emil finds out that Janeczek was the person who helped Pawel that night. He decides to tell the whole truth to Kaśka and she decides to go after Pawel. They meet on the road and Kaśka is about to cross the road, but then a car screeches as it hits something and the series ends. Did the car hit Pawel? ..

The Episode Review

After the secrets were revealed, I was hoping for a happy ending for Pawel and Kaśka. However, the cliffhanger leaves me with many questions. ..

These two people would have avoided a lot of heartache if they had just communicated better. This entire wedding to Janeczek would never have happened and they wouldn’t have been pawns in the messed-up life of the Jaworowicz family. I have never been so relieved to see a wedding being called off!

Malgosia had a moment of redemption in the end. She may look like she doesn’t care about her daughters, but that is clearly just a façade.

This was a good ending and viewers can interpret it as they wish. You are free to decide if they get a happy ending and have a cute baby. Pawel can be hit and be in a coma and wake up on the day his baby is born or he could die. Choose an ending you fancy!