Electric Enemy is an experimental rock band that tries to find solace in their music and the world around them. They want their music to be beautiful and special, and they also want their lyrics to be honest and expressive. The band has put a lot of effort into their record, which is brimming with hooks and instrumentals. The lyrics are also very expressive, with some of the words being portrayed angrily.

Electric Enemy is a diverse band with a lot of talent. They play catchy songs with strong riffs and evocative lyrics. These elements come together to create an immersive experience for the listener. The talent is evident in every performance, and it connects deeply to the music. This band has a lot to share, and I look forward to hearing more from them in the future. ..

The EP opens with “Burn,” which starts off with a quick-fired start and has vocals that come in frantically. The anger goes up a notch - that fuming rage. The lyrics are intelligent and deeply perceptive. ..

“Give Me The Words” is a rock song with substance. The ferocity has been removed for some emotion, and love is the topic and theme throughout the EP. “Take The Wheel” is a fuzzed-up rock song, and love again is a topic and theme which has been integrated throughout the EP. Those guitar riffs reverberate as the words tackle emotion. ..

Electric Enemy’sEP is their statement and their note to the world. It is a collection of dark, heavy songs that seek to provide solace and relief from inner strife. The lyrics are passionate and direct, and the music is powerful and emotive.

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