The album is full of stories about the past and the downsides of life. Driveways is trying to rid themselves of the ghosts that parade too, and the old flames that come in and then leave again. There are only 8 songs on this release, but they all interconnect on a seamless level, with the lyrics spearheading unnerving moments.

The album’s concept is tension and emotion. While the moments are there to shock, the album’s emotion comes in too to soften the blows.

The band is into the past, and their songs reflect that. They explore depression, broken dreams, and the overbearing feelings of self-deprecation. The band just want to feel whole and to feel the sunlight on their faces and the warmth of someone else’s touch.

The band’s honest album is a reminder of the good and bad times that have passed by, as well as the talent and potential that the group has. The lyrics are powerful and spread their feelings like wings, never holding back.

The eight songs on “Salem” are all interconnected and start with energy. The vocal work is gritty, though it details woes and ghosts. Souls have been ripped from the underground. ..

The lyrics of ‘Lights On Long Island’ describe the darkness that the singer and guitarist feel on the island. The song is well-made and has a poetic voice, which makes it even more powerful. The lyrics highlight the importance of love, and how it can be so important in life.

“Burning Bright” is a song about death and burdens, as well as the need to fight. The progressive guitar riff provides stability and rhythm, while the lyrics are intelligently put. ..

The album Driveways delivers an honest album with Into The Past. It showcases that the band is a band seeing the world differently and has portrayed through their art, depressive times and smashed hope.

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