Escape From Umber Tor

What happened with Aaravos? Why was he imprisoned?

Now, two years later, the Startouch Elf is returning. Queen Aditi has been missing for a while now and the Sunfire Elves are worried. They don’t know what to do or where to turn. ..

Aaravos, the Startouch Elf, has been deceiving the Kingdom of Xadia for 1000 years. He’s been keeping a magical prison in a secret location and causing all of the conflicts between the races. Each Archdragon had a piece of the puzzle over where he was being held, but not all of them had the complete picture. Without Aaravos’ knowledge, peace could have been confirmed long ago, but he’s kept everyone in suspense. ..

What is the purpose of the enchanted mirror?

The mirror that Callum has is a key part in all of this. Avizandum, one of the dragons, was given an enchanted looking glass to keep an eye on Aaravos and make sure he remains trapped. So how does it work? Well, it’s linked to an identical mirror within the magical prison. When no light reflects off its surface, it becomes clear as a window and you can see into the prison. The prophecy, “In darkness, gaze upon a Fallen Star,” now makes a lot more sense! ..

Soren tries to find Caudia but gets himself captured, while Claudia finds Rex after Callum and the others are told the location of the prison. Claudia’s spell puts everyone to sleep, as Claudia and Viren march into the dragon chamber to try and find the map.

How do our heroes stop Claudia?

Claudia uses her Finding Spell to find the map inside Rex’s mouth. She learns that it is being kept inside his tooth.

Zym and Soren watch from afar as Terry tries to take the map for themselves. However, Rayla jumps in with a knife to wake up Rex. His roaring awakens everyone else inside the chamber.

What happens with Claudia and Terry?

In the ensuing carnage, Terry and Claudia take off with the map, but they leave behind the Staff, allowing Viren to pick it up. Soren is no longer captured and scrambles to join the gang as they escape, while Rayla notices Viren is still alive and decides to head off in pursuit, determined to finish what she started.

Terry is blindsided when Rayla comes up behind him and holds a knife to his throat. Claudia arrives, trying to bargain. She happens to have three cursed coins - one of which holds the spirits of the dead trapped inside. And two of them are her parents. With hope lost, Stella uses her secret power to conjure forth a portal, just as Rayla jumps to grab the bag and misses.

It’s a trick though, and despite the bag appearing next to Rayla, it happens to hold three ordinary rocks. Now realizing where her parents are, Claudia and Terry leave. However, Terry laments the way Claudia tricked Rayla, having seen her break down in tears, and guilt-trips her into returning the coins all the same.

Who wins the Royal Blood Duel?

Meanwhile, Queen Janai is challenged to her Royal Blood Duel by Karim. Mirana is not happy, and we’ve seen her conflicted about this for a while. He believes she won’t fight and will call his bluff, and the Six Horns will turn on the Queen and allow him to ascend. ..

It is a big gamble by Janai to fight Karim, but she decides to do so and is successful in defeating him. She tells him that the past is behind them and she plans to make a beautiful future.

How does The Dragon Prince Season 4 end?

Queen Zubeia arrives at the Storm Spire to confront Rex, driving him back inside the mountain and saving our heroes before it’s too late. Thankfully Rayla is still alive too, and she also has the coins in her possession. ..

Aaravos has been controlling Viren for some time now, and the season does not seem to be ending on a positive note. However, our bad guys have all joined forces and it seems that they are once again under his control.

The Episode Review

With Viren now in control of the Staff, it’s likely that the magical prison will be opened and Aaravos will be properly freed once more. This season has been full of surprises and revelations, and we can only wait to see what comes next.

Claudia’s arc this year has been pretty good and it’s nice to see her given a decent motivation in trying to save Viren. With the resurrection spell a success at the start of the season, seeing her leading the gang forward offers a nice change of pace.

Ezran has come into his own as King and the speech he gave at the end of episode 3 about violence, and how that tied in with Claudia’s fight with the Skymage, was really nicely done and a definite highlight.

Zubeia discussing the past and how Aaravos has been the puppet master all this time, and then fading his face next to Claudia, is a subtle visual nod that she’s being driven by what this monstrous foe wants. ..

The ending of this season left many questions unanswered, but it also left the door open for more. It looks like this season is going to be very exciting, and we can only wait to see what happens next.

The Dragon Prince Season 4 is a new season of the show that is set to air on Netflix. The show follows the story of a young prince who must fight against an evil empire. This season has been released on Netflix and it is sure to keep you entertained.

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