Love Like the Falling Petals Plot Synopsis
However, as with all fairytales, there is a twist. Haruto soon realizes that Misaki is actually a ghost who has been haunting him since he was a child. This revelation throws their relationship into chaos and forces Haruto to confront his fears and doubts about love. Love Like the Falling Petals is an emotional story about two people who are meant to be together but are faced with obstacles that test their love. ..
Misaki is diagnosed with a crippling illness, and her world is instantly turned upside down. What follows from here is a film that changes from a lighthearted romcom to something far more mellow, bittersweet and heartbreaking.
What is Misaki diagnosed with?
Misaki has been diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that essentially mimics physiological aging, making her appear a lot older than she is. This disorder is typically treated with medication and/or surgery.
Misaki has been complaining about her grey hair for some time now, and her hairdresser has been telling her that it might be time to start getting a new one. However, Misaki is not sure if she has much left in the way of her physical abilities.
Misaki leaves after making love with Haruto, feeling that she is being a burden to him. She breaks his heart by claiming she is back with her ex again and that she is in love with him.
That’s obviously false, given that she’s actually unable to bring herself to tell Haruto the truth and open up about her condition. And the next time we see her, Misaki has already aged a fair amount, with her hair coming out in clumps.
Why is Takashi’s relationship so strained?
Misaki’s brother, Takashi, postpones his wedding to look after Misaki as her condition worsens. This puts a burden on the family and there’s a fair amount of tension between Takashi and his partner. Not a lot of time passes but already Misaki is struggling to walk. She’s carried on Takashi’s back while sporting sunglasses and a head scarf.
At Christmas, Takashi has Misaki write a wish down to place inside a red sock. She writes “I want my suffering to end.” This is the wish she makes to herself. Her initial note though actually read that she wants to see Haruto – which Takashi decides to pursue for her.
Takashi arrives at Haruto’s apartment to find out that Misaki has been diagnosed with a serious illness. The prognosis is not good, and Takashi urges Haruto to take her to the hospital. ..
Misaki is constantly receiving visits from Haruto, who seems to be trying to reach out to her. She listens; he speaks. The pair try to rekindle what they had but Misaki cannot bring herself to face him. It’s pretty heartbreaking and foreshadows what’s to pass.
Do Haruto and Misaki meet up again?
Misaki heads to the studio in search of Haruto, only to find it bitterly cold outside. She has only one more season left with him, but she finally gathers the courage to see him. ..
After seeing his photographs printed out and blown up for all to see, Misaki writes Haruto a letter detailing her thoughts and how happy she is that he took up photography. However, he only reads this letter after meeting Misaki one last time.
Misaki falls over from exhaustion after her unsuccessful visit to the studio.
Haruto helps Misaki to her feet, asking if she’s okay. He doesn’t recognize her, and her final moments are tinged with sadness but at least she gets to see Haruto one more time - even if he doesn’t realize it. ..
Does Haruto find the strength to carry on in life?
Haruto is understandably crushed when he learns about what happened to Misaki. This was the last memory they shared, but Misaki wrote in her memoir that Haruto should share his photos for when they meet up again in the next life.
With this chapter of his life over for now, Haruto heads back to work and doubles down on his photography.
“We photographers can only find the answer through the viewfinder,” His superior says. “That’s why I think it’s important for us to document the exhibition and keep Haruto going.”
Haruto continues to struggle finding an answer and purpose to his life, but remembers Misaki’s memory every spring just like the fallen petals. ..
As the final credits roll, the overarching theme about photos being timeless rings true. We see all of this through black and white shots of their various hotspots together.
Is there a post-credit sequence?
In the film, there is a moment where the protagonist’s mother dies. The scene is important because it shows how the protagonist deals with his mother’s death.
Misaki was the woman who nudged Haruto in the photo and later walked further into the crowd. She was responsible for handing out flyers that featured the image of the Tokyo Tower.
After Misaki learned that Haruto had been to the hairdressers before, she was curious as to how they had met. It turns out that fate had something in store for the two of them, as they ran into each other again in this life. Perhaps their paths will cross again in another life? ..
The Falling Petals is a heart-wrenching love story that will stay with you long after the credits roll. The film follows the story of two people who are in love and have to fight for their relationship to survive. The film is full of beautiful visuals and powerful emotions, making it a must-see for all lovers of cinema.
The ending of “The Walking Dead” left many fans divided. Some were happy with the conclusion, while others were disappointed. We asked some of our readers what they thought of the finale and whether or not we missed anything. Here’s what they had to say: “I thought the ending was great! I loved how it tied everything together and how it made sense.” “I was really disappointed with the ending. It felt rushed and didn’t make much sense.” “I thought the ending was great! I loved how it tied everything together and how it made sense.” -Reader 1 ..