A boring, meandering thriller that lacks any thrills

There’s something alluring about an erotic thriller. There’s a reason Fifty Shades of Grey has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide. Cruel Intentions remains a very watchable movie, despite releasing in ‘99 while Fatal Attraction speaks for itself. Deep Water has absolutely nothing on any of those movies - except maybe Fifty Shades. But even then this is unlikely to be remembered as long as that series has. ..

This film is a gripping, dark mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. It’s a must-watch for anyone who enjoys suspenseful thrillers.

Deep Water is a forgettable film that feels like it’s dragging on for 2 hours. The pacing is so slow that by the time the film starts to pick up, you’re struggling to keep up.

The problem with these two characters is that they are too similar. They both have retired lives, they both like to bike around, and they both have faraway brooding looks. But their similarities end there. Vic and Melinda are two very different people who should be treated differently because of this.

Vic allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce she’s threatening, spending most of his time channeling his inner Gone Girl moody looks as he watches Melinda from afar as she engages with numerous different men. Only, each of these fellas start to disappear in increasingly grisly circumstances. Is Vic responsible?

The story is an erotic psychological thriller, but it lacks thrills and mystery. There are no steamy sex scenes either. ..

The ending of “A Quiet Place” is also a topic of contention. While I won’t spoil the ending, it feels like the filmmakers ran out of ideas and just wanted to end the project as quickly as possible.

The film’s story is full of half-baked ideas that eventually peter out into mediocrity, and eventually annoying plot holes that eventually grow so big that they consume the entire premise of the movie. The problems are so numerous and large that you’ll find yourself struggling to care by the time the final credits roll.

Deep Water is a boring, meandering thriller that forgets to add some thrills along the way. Unfortunately, its bloated run-time drowns out any flashes of potential that may have existed. ..

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