Track Listing
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Braveweather’s seventh album, “The Great and Powerful,” is a mix of dark and light. It’s full of emotions, from sadness to hope. The album has moments when the band seems to be struggling, but they manage to pull through with strong vocals. It also has a bashful feel to it, but the band manages to stay strong.
The band has worked hard on crafting words which click in and resonate, and with Stay Here the act perfectly tells their stories. These fables describe insecurity and hurt, agony that generates through, and at times Stay Here can be an unnerving listen. It’s all about love turning sour, while the memories also rot away.
The band Stay Here is a solid pop-punk band that doesn’t shy away from the emo undercurrent that can be found in their music. This undercurrent is what makes their music so great, and it’s not an impairment.
The song starts with a guitar driven track that tells the story of a broken love. It has a short and bittersweet opening. ‘everybody knows’ has a big chorus and is definitely a memorable contribution.
“Missing Pieces” once again offers an emotional twist, and those lyrics spell out optimism for a slender minute. The crashing instrumentals showcase the band’s adeptness at playing. ..
Braveweather delivers an album brimming in emotion and cleverness here and their work definitely has merit. The band’s music is catchy, catchy, catchy, with a lot of clever lyrics that will keep you entertained from beginning to end. The band’s sound is unique and definitely worth checking out.