Chang-ho wakes up from this dream sequence to find himself in the asylum, completely bound. The head nurse injects him with something, as a voiceover from Prosecutor Choi details how he must be kept without food, water or sleep. He and Gong Ji-hoon discuss giving him a drug called Peace, a truth serum which will put him in so much pain that he will tell the truth.

When Chang-ho is completely out of it, they inject him with a sedative. He hallucinates mice and begins to scream in pain. When he says he isn’t Big Mouse they assume he is lying, but he blacks out before they can inject more. ..

Mi-ho and Chang-ho meet for the first time that day. They share a lunch box, something that Chang-ho says happened to him for the first time that day.

Chang-ho is woken up with a splash of water after another hazy dream sequence. To avoid more pain from the truth serum, he tells Ji-hoon his money is at Gudal mountain. ..

Chang-ho, the manager of a small mining company, is in for a surprise when he is called to the office of the president of his company’s biggest client. The president and his guests have discovered a box buried underground on Gudal mountain that appears to contain a single gold bar. Chang-ho has no idea how the bar got there and is worried that he will be blamed if anything goes wrong. ..

The real Big Mouse has shifted the gold bars from the underground space to a storage facility.

At the prison, people are coughing up blood and passing out. The room leader and Chairman Yang discuss how Dr. Han was released on bail.

Elsewhere, Mayor Choi and his wife go for an underwater swim. Later, Joo-hee asks him why he hasn’t asked for her help with gaining the Elder’s favor. He says he wants a child with her. Just then, one of his men comes up to him with some news. The man tells Mayor Choi that the Elder has granted him an audience and requests that he come alone. ..

Mi-ho gets a call from the Mayor saying he found Jang Hye-jin. He reaches Hye-jin just as she’s about to throw the necklace, but finds it empty inside. Mi-ho and the others arrive soon but Mayor Choi has to leave when he hears that the Elder has collapsed. Mi-ho tries talking to Hye-jin but she refuses to testify against her husband.

Joo-hee takes care of the Elder, who asks her to take interest in her business. But she says she wants to focus on her patients. Mayor Choi stays with him once she leaves. As the Elder sleeps, the Mayor tenses up and reaches out a hand towards his throat but then seems to restrain himself.

Jerry tells Chang-ho that he knows where the gold bars are and that he can get them for him. Chang-ho is hesitant, but Jerry is persuasive and says that he won’t tell anyone if Chang-ho doesn’t help him get the gold bars. Chang-ho agrees and they head into the tunnel.

Jerry tells Chang-ho that he was chasing after the man who shot him. Chang-ho goes to the black car where he finds clothes, a phone and money. But Jerry ends up getting surrounded by cops. He crashes his car and later, Chang-ho sees him on a stretcher, covered in blood.

Meanwhile, Mi-ho gives Hye-jin some papers and tells her to make a decision: run away or fight. Soon-tae, Mi-ho and her father have contacted a social media channel called News Mental, saying they have an informant for this case. Mi-ho’s father asks if Hye-jin will be up for it and Mi-ho replies that they’ll just have to wait and see. ..

The news of Chang-ho’s escape from the mental hospital is met with excitement by many in the prison. Chairman Yang is impressed with Chang-ho while the warden says it isn’t his problem. The VIPs are worried about Big Mouse being on the loose. The prosecutor says that the police are looking for his family and will find them soon.

Chang-ho gets the address of a hotel on his phone. He is on the run from the police and decides that he isn’t going to be used and killed like Jerry was. Chang-ho gets to the hotel room and decides that he isn’t going to be used and killed like Jerry was.

After Hye-jin leaves, Mi-ho says she will be waiting for her call. She thinks she won’t refuse their offer. Mi-ho then tries to come up with a plan to get in touch with Chang-ho without the police knowing. ..

The three of them stage a public protest, stating that Chang-ho was abducted and did not escape. They even submit their phones to the police. As they pester Prosecutor Choi to investigate, Chang-ho reads about their activities in the news.

Mi-ho watches the demonstration from a clock tower and then notices a digital ad for life insurance. The animated story plays out the scene of Chang-ho proposing to Mi-ho with the life insurance he bought. Mi-ho dials the ad’s phone number and finally speaks to Chang-ho. He tells her he was abducted but he’s okay now. She tells him Hye-jin has agreed to help them and gives him her phone number. Chang-ho says he will control things now. ..

The VIPs are watching the News Mental teaser when Hye-jin calls Ji-hoon, claiming that she has Professor Seo’s paper but she wants a divorce from Dr. Han in exchange for it. Dr. Han refuses to do so and the VIPs get into an argument. We then see that Hye-jin is with Chang-ho.

As Chang-ho gets dressed to the nines, his voiceover talks about how to hide lies from others. The best place to do this is within the truth.

Ji-hoon and Mayor Choi exchange words as they arrive at court for their trial. Ji-hoon learns that he knows about Jang Hye-jin and informs Mayor Choi, who is just arriving.

Mi-ho, a defendant in a court case, opens her laptop in the courtroom to see the News Mental host introducing his informant, Chang-ho. All dressed up and slick, Chang-ho arrives and takes his seat as the show’s informant, to the shock of thousands of viewers. ..

Mi-ho watches Chang-ho take two bags full of milk for the other kids at his orphanage as he works at a grocery store.

The Episode Review

The asylum segment feels out of place because it’s not really a part of the story. The rest of the show is about Chang-ho and his friends trying to find a way to get out of Korea. This episode doesn’t really have that focus.

The performance by Lee Jong-suk was neither funny nor serious, and it did not make up for the poor execution. ..

This episode also tested the show’s believability, something which hasn’t been a problem so far. How did Mi-ho and the others not even know Chang-ho had been shifted to the mental hospital? ..

The second half of the episode is better than the first. Chang-ho getting out of prison makes for an interesting change and it’s always a pleasure to watch Mi-ho fighting the system. The heartfelt flashbacks to Mi-ho and Chang-ho’s ordinary life definitely anchor the show, making you root for these characters.

The show is continuing to be a lot of fun and we can only wait for the next episodes to answer all our questions.