Walter and Jesse take Saul to a safe house, where they plan to kill him. However, Saul manages to outsmart them and escapes. He then goes on the run, taking on various jobs in order to stay alive.

Jesse and Walter are in episode eight of season two of Breaking Bad. Saul is the person they resort to. Saul has been arrested by the skinny-looking undercover DEA agent for dealing and distributing drugs. Jesse and Walter must find a way in which not only is Badger set free from prison, it is done so surreptitiously without their names ever coming up. Saul is the person they resort to.

In the BCS universe, episode 11 picks up from the events in the last episode. Not immediately after it but at some unspecified time. We bid goodbye to Francesca in the show. She is still in the city, even after everything went down from the Breaking Bad days.

Francesca is a tenant of a building that has been giving her trouble lately. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been following her around to see where she is going, but eventually loses interest. This is one of the occasions when Francesca is called by Saul, who owes her money. Saul wants to give her a send-off before he dies, so he asks Francesca to come to an abandoned gas station and meet him there. ..

Gene Saul bids farewell to his servant, explaining that the Feds are looking for him and Jesse. His car is found on the Mexican border, a throwback to El Camino’s ending. ..

The money that was secretly stashed by Saul from his cut is discovered by the Feds. But what catches Gene’s attention the most is a phone call from Kim and her asking about Saul to Francesca. This new energy fills him with a sense of hope and he decides to call the place she works at. ..

Saul’s conversation with Jeff is drowned out by the noises from highway traffic. Saul only sees his reaction to something that was said on the call, which compels him to burst with rage and damage the phone booth. This kind of disgruntling is not at all characteristic of Saul. Whatever was said must have really upset him. Because the next thing he does is go back to Jeff’s house. Marion entertains him while the cabbie comes in, nervous about something that he might have done wrong.

In the last episode of the series, Gene had said to his son, “If you see me, walk on the other side of the street.” Why is he back then? Another scheme. ..

Saul wants to break out from this Gene character that suffocates him every day. He is unhinged after that call, which has probably killed off any chances he had at getting a shot at Kim. Does the money have something to do with it as well? This seems unlikely as Francesca had said he brought a truckload with him to Omaha.

Next, we see the scheme unravel with the first “victim”, Alfred. Gene sits with him in a bar and loses every bet. And for every bet he loses, he buys another round of drinks. After the night is over, Gene calls a cab, and so does Alfred. But the latter’s cab arrives first. He is sent packing home by Gene, who then takes out a water bag strapped to his stomach and spills out the liquid. Jeff drives Alfred home and reports his “status” to operator Rick, the friend from the last episode.

Alfred goes home safe but Jeff sticks a piece of tape to ensure that the door to the house doesn’t close. Rick follows up with his dog. Alfred is passed out from the combination of drinks and drugs. Rick clicks photos of all important identifications, cards, and personal passwords and leaves.

Walter and Jesse’s meth lab is seen for the first time in the BB timeline. Saul sees it and becomes interested in it.

He is incredulous that the purest thing on the street is made in that dump. He agrees to solve the problem for the duo by officially taking charge of Badger’s case. He will also convince Badger not to rat out them to the cops and protect the operation. He also notices Walter coughing up blood.

In the BCS timeline, there comes a target who is a cancer patient. Gene keeps the act on but Rick, once he discovers the disease, refuses to partake. Rick’s decision not to partake in the act is based on his personal beliefs that cancer is a disease that should be fought. ..

In Jeff’s garage, Gene relieves Rick of his duties and asks Gene to come along. In the BB timeline, Saul entertains Mike, who worked for him as a private investigator on his cases. He reveals Heisenberg’s (Walter) cancer condition and labels him a “small and insignificant” player. Saul then goes to the high school where Walter works to meet him.

Gene enters the house without fear, knowing he will be caught. This is a clear violation of the BCS timeline. ..

The Episode Review

The Breaking Bad fans were eagerly awaiting the return of Cranston and Aaron Paul. Their brief appearance was only meant to bring a smile to our faces; for old time’s sake. However, their return was not what we were hoping for. Cranston and Paul’s appearance was very forgettable and their performance was very poor.

In “Better Call Saul”, it was also used as a tool by Gilligan and Gould to merge the two worlds. This hardcore intertwining was visible in many instances in the episode. Scenes from Breaking Bad, both that were shown and created for this episode are mixed in with the scenes from the Better Call Saul universe.

As you see all of your favorite characters from Gene’s reckless past on screen, a nostalgic wave overwhelms you. This episode completed Gene’s recklessness and made it more likely that he will be caught.

The one thing that has kept him hidden until now was his discipline and patience. Suddenly, he has started to fall into old habits and go back to the scheming he so enjoyed.

The show seems to be going to a bad ending with Kim not returning. The angle with her is done and she is not returning.

Gene is starting to lose his grip and it’s only a matter of time before he gets into trouble. I have mixed feelings about this episode in terms of where the story goes. The execution is once again brilliant and on point, but it leaves you feeling bad for Saul, the only character who seemed like he could be a happy man. ..

Life is not fair and so is this strange, beautiful world that charms you until you give in. You may think that it’s all good because you have everything, but it’s not. You may think that life is just a game, but it’s not. Life is hard and there are times when it feels like it’s impossible to get through. But if you keep fighting, if you keep trying, eventually something will happen that makes everything feel better.