Deep Water Plot Synopsis

Vic is a retired military man who has been involved in morally questionable activities with drones. He has faraway brooding looks and he collects snails. Melinda meanwhile is a fun-loving wife but she’s also a bit of master manipulator, knowing exactly how to push peoples buttons – especially Vic.

Vic allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce she’s threatening, spending most of his time channelling his inner Gone Girl moody looks as he watches Melinda from afar while she engages with numerous different men. Only, each of these fellas start to disappear in increasingly suspicious circumstances. Is Vic responsible?

What happens to Charlie?

Midway through the movie, Vic begins to notice that Melinda is starting to become closer to her piano teacher, Charlie. At a party, Vic becomes consumed by jealousy and becomes angry and resentful. All of this crescendos in suitably dramatic fashion.

Don drops Charlie on his head, causing him to fall into the pool. Vic feigns ignorance and says he didn’t do it. Melinda is adamant that Vic did it, but the evidence suggests otherwise. For now, Vic gets away with murder.

Does anyone else suspect Vic?

After this event, Don starts to have suspicions about Affleck’s character. ..

Don hires a private investigator to look into Vic’s history. Vic soon learns that his wife was also involved in this. Vic confronts Don back at his house though, embarrassing Don in front of his wife when he brings up the $743 he paid as part of this whole charade. ..

Tony Cameron suggests they cook some of Vic’s snails, but given Vic’s fascination and obsession with these mollusks, it doesn’t go down particularly well.

The next day, Vic drives an unsuspecting Tony out to the woods where he smacks him in the head with a rock. Tony staggers back, loses his footing and tumbles down a ravine, hitting the ground with a sickening thud, blood oozing from the side of his head. Vic decides to cover everything up and ties rocks to Tony’s body with his belt. I mean, he could have just left him and it would have been classed an accident but there we go.

How does Melinda learn the truth about Vic?

In the morning, Vic rides out to pick up something Melinda left down at the gorge, where they visited the previous morning for a picnic. In his absence, Melinda heads into the basement where she notices all of the snails and accidentally steps on one too. ..

Melinda finds Anthony’s wallet, tucked away in one of the boxes. She realizes what her husband has done and reports it to the police. ..

Don finds Vic fishing with the body, trying to hide it from view. Don’s found Melinda’s red scarf but when Tony’s hand floats to the surface, he realizes Vic has killed him and Hurries back to his car, desperate to get away.

Don drives down a dirt track, trying to catch up to Vic. Vic takes a shortcut and ends up careering off the path and into the water below. So naturally, Vic drives home again.

How Does Deep Water end?

The final shot of the movie echoes back to the start, as Melinda tells Vic that she’s “seen Tony” - referencing the wallet she found earlier in the basement. Melinda burns Tony’s ID, accepting Vic’s behaviour as he’s the only one who has actually stayed with her through her crazy mind games and manipulation. ..

In the end of the movie, we see Melinda has fully accepted Vic’s murderous behaviour while also coming to terms with her own insecurities and flaws. Melinda has spun that into a twisted form of love, hence why she’s so hot and cold with Vic at different moments of the movie.

Don is most likely dead after being shot by the police. ..

Is there a post-credit sequence?

The film ends with a post-credit sequence featuring Trixie singing along in her car. The ending is bizarrely cutesy, and the film overall is rather bleak and pretty disappointing.

Deep Water is a gripping, suspenseful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. The film is set in a remote area of the ocean and follows the story of a group of fishermen who are caught up in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with an unknown adversary.

The ending of “Game of Thrones” was met with mixed reactions, with some viewers praising the way it ended and others criticizing it. Here’s what you need to know about the ending and what people thought of it. What did people think of the ending of “Game of Thrones”? Some viewers praised the way the ending ended, while others criticized it. Overall, most people thought that the end was unsatisfying.

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