Episode Guide

Person of Interest is a show that has some room for doubt, but also has strangers and the devil you know. What does a kidnapper look like? This show is also about questions of trust. Unmasked was a good episode, but it left some questions unanswered. ..

Suspicion could have been a great show. On paper, the premise and initial set-up is actually quite intriguing. Unfortunately, a bloated run-time, way too many plot contrivances and a really poor ending create a cataclysm of errors that are hard to ignore. ..

The premise of the novel is intriguing, and the author has done a good job of exploring some important ideas about society, policing, and climate change. However, the execution of these ideas is unfortunately not very well done. ..

But as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that something is not right. The kidnappers have a connection to a powerful man, and they seem to be targeting Leo specifically. His mother is in danger, and the only way to save her is to find out what’s going on.

The police deduce that the ones responsible for the kidnapping must have been at the hotel that evening, leading them to five seemingly unconnected individuals, living out their lives in the UK.

Aadesh and his father are struggling to make ends meet. Tara is a school teacher who is paid very little. Eddie’s past is erratic and seems to suggest he may be the kidnapper. There’s also Sean, who is on the run from the authorities for unknown reasons.

Katherine Newman is a journalist who has been investigating a strange group that has been infiltrating the radio waves and broadcasting out a message telling Katherine Newman to “tell the truth.” The hunt to find Leo Newman intensifies as people begin to question his whereabouts. ..

Vanessa and Scott are officers who work together to try and incriminate one of the suspects from the UK. But are they innocent? Guilty? Or is there more going on here? ..

The show has a strong premise, but it quickly falls apart. The first few episodes are great, but then things start to go downhill. The show is very slow to develop its characters and the mystery is not as interesting as it could be.

Suspicion has a frustrating conclusion that makes you wish you had skipped it.

Apple’s drip-fed release schedule for this show may have led to some negative reactions from critics, but it’s still possible to enjoy the show if you binge watch it. ..

The show’s visuals are good, but some of the editing is questionable. The first few episodes are so poorly handled, whiplashing between characters and refusing to let any of these characters grow and lean into their personas. Instead, this one hits the accelerator from the word go and never lets up. Eventually, it spins off the track and hits the wall.

Apple’s new series, Suspicion, is plagued by poor writing and poorly plotted episodes. This series is not worth your time or money.

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