A conglomerate cocktail of better thrillers

I Came By is a conglomerate of thrillers that borrows from Don’t Breathe, Watchdogs, and V for Vendetta. The plot is questionable and the protagonist is unlikable. ..

The story starts out really well, with the graffiti artist creating a stir by writing “I Came By” on the walls. However, it quickly becomes clear that this artist is not like the one who created all of the excitement. This one is much more dangerous and violent.

Toby is a young adult who is rebellious, angry, and doesn’t respect his mother. ..

Toby regularly messes with Lizzie, stealing the remote control, gaslighting her for his father’s passing and refusing to help out around the house. This is the protagonist, by the way, the guy we’re supposed to be rooting for. Anyway, Toby’s anger is ultimately projected onto the rich elite and who better to send a message to than the squeaky clean ex-Judge Hector. ..

Toby, a well-respected member of the community, decides to break into his home to see if there are any juicy details he can get his hands on. Unfortunately, what he finds inside is a shocking secret that turns his life upside down and brings with it a spiraling sense of doom that swallows up not just Toby but also his mother and best friend too. ..

The story starts off well, but quickly falls apart. The screenplay has a lot of potential but it’s not executed well. There are some surprising turns, but they don’t make up for the lack of development.

The narrative switches halfway through to focus more on Liz and Jay, as they try to solve the mystery of Hector’s house. The whiplash effect this has though, causes more harm than good to the screenplay. There’s no urgency here because, as I said before, Toby is so damn unlikable. He has no redeeming features other than being played by George Mackay.

The cast of this movie put in a great performance, with Hugh Bonneville doing well in his role to stand out, given the weak material he’s given. Hector’s motivations are so cliched that I’m surprised he didn’t have a twirling moustache and a pet cat.

Despite its flaws, It’s Not All Bad does have some stand-out elements. The first half of the narrative is quite good, as mentioned above, whilst no one really has plot armour either, with intensifies encounters. For all its flaws with the screenplay, the final act is actually quite gripping as a result, whilst the ending is quite unpredictable too.

The film does not have the narrative chops to carry it through the more questionable elements and Toby’s character is up there with one of the most unlikable seen in a film this year. It’s not outright awful and the star casting and premise are likely to get a lot of eyeballs on it - just don’t expect anything particularly remarkable from this one. It’ll come by as quickly as it’ll go. ..

Ending is a new game mode that was added to Fortnite Battle Royale on July 26. The mode tasks players with destroying an opponent’s building, while preventing them from doing the same to their own. Ending is a new game mode that was added to Fortnite Battle Royale on July 26. The mode tasks players with destroying an opponent’s building, while preventing them from doing the same to their own. ..

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