R.I.P. Casserole Dish

Anna is a young woman who lives in a house across the street from a girl who is always looking out her window. One day, Anna starts having strange visions that make her feel very uncomfortable. She decides to talk to her neighbor about it, but she quickly realizes that she can’t really trust anyone. ..

Anna drops off her daughter Elizabeth at school, but does so in a dressing gown. However, we soon come to find out that Elizabeth is actually dead. It’s been 3 years since her husband left and Carol, one of the mum’s from school, decides to set Anna up on a date with a guy called Mark.

Anna is considering whether or not to go out on her big night with her friends, but she’s worried about how she’ll feel after drinking copious amounts of red wine. While she gets ready, the camera pans over to several beautiful paintings on the wall. It turns out Anna is a talented painter but since Elizabeth’s death, she’s been unable to pick up a paintbrush again.

Anna’s life quickly changes when she meets new neighbours across the street. A handsome single dad called Neil and his daughter Emma are now her new neighbours. As she introduces herself, Anna quickly learns that Neil’s partner died up at the lake house, where she drowned. Interestingly, Anna’s book that she’s reading is called “The Woman Across The Lake.”

Anna’s attempts to bring over a casserole go completely awry when it starts raining. Anna collapses in the road, as we learn she actually has Ombrophobia, which is a fear of the rain. Neil helps her back into her house, and encourages Anna to start painting again.

Anna and Elsa continue to get along well, with Anna even heading over for dinner after making another casserole dish. There have been no breakages yet, although after dinner when they touch hands, the dish does smash. ..

Anna is doing well, but is it really true that everything is going to be okay?

The Episode Review

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is a satiric take on the real-life phenomenon of home invasion. The dishes being smashed in the foreground are a clever way of highlighting how easy it is for someone to break into a home and steal whatever they want. We’re definitely on board with this idea, and we laughed out loud throughout the entire piece.

The show has a really nice ebb and flow to it so far, and although the jokes are predominantly the reason many people are going to tune in. The whimsical and poetic narration is absolutely spot-on for how it feels to watch these thrillers too and the creators have done an excellent job capturing the authenticity of that.

The mystery of who killed Neil is bubbling up nicely, and we’ll have to wait and see what else is revealed in the story.